Be Cool and Practical!

Ways to Lower Your AC Costs this Summer

When looking to get the most out of your money when cooling your home this summer, the very first thing you should do is to be certain that your AC unit is suitable for the size of your home. Once you know your unit is sufficient for your space there are many things that you can do to help lower your electric bill. A unit that is built for smaller spaces will not be able to cool a larger home. Check with your specialized technician at  Schneider Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc., to be sure your unit is right for you.

Here are additional ways to help keep your home cool without breaking the bank:

  1. Black out curtains are a must to keep the heat out of the home.
  2. Set the thermostat to a temperature that is suitable and leave it consistent.
  3. Use overhead fans to circulate the air.
  4. Be sure your windows are energy efficient, replace them if necessary or seal them off if that is not possible.
  5. Be sure all air filters are replaced every 30-90 days.
  6. Check the insulation in attics and walls to be sure it is sufficient for your climate.
  7. Cook outside and minimize baking.
  8. Keep blinds and shades closed during the day.
  9. Seal doors, screen doors and garage doors to keep warm air out and cool air in.
  10. Turn the thermostat up when you are not home.


Many are just practical commonsense ideas and they really do make a difference. Be sure to service your air conditioning unit when necessary. If your bills are still high after implementing some of these suggestions, it might be a good idea to talk to your electric company for additional suggestions or talk to your HVAC technician to see that the unit is running. Don’t wait until the first hot day of summer to check out your AC unit!


Schneider Heating & Air Conditioning is the leader in heating, cooling, ventilation, and air quality products and services in the La Crosse area. We have been serving the Coulee Region for more than 80 years. Our technicians are highly and continually trained utilizing the most sophisticated HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) technologies and equipment. All of our service technicians are NATE (North American Technician Excellence) certified—the largest non-profit certification organization that is governed, owned, operated, developed, and supported by the HVAC industry. At Schneider Heating & Air Conditioning, we pride ourselves on amazing customer service. Contact us today.